Partners In Equity
Partners In Equity: 2023 - 2024
Our work as an organization is not simply to create events that bring BIPoC into the outdoors, but to change the outdoors industry to be a more inclusive space. We are not seeking to assimilate into the existing outdoors culture, to make ourselves part of the “in-club.” We want to challenge inequity, dismantle barriers, create representation, and above all cultivate joy in the outdoors. We are always our best when we are outside, and we wanted to bring that joy to our community.
Listed here are all the partners in the outdoors industry who believe in this mission and invest in our work to make the outdoors a better space for all of us to feel a sense of belonging. We thank you with deep gratitude for choosing to work with us to dismantle racism, anti-Blackness and anti-Indigeneity, and build a better future together.
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