About Colour the Trails
Colour the Trails is a national Black woman owned business, focused on improving access to outdoor activities for BIPoC (including those who lay within the intersection of BIPoC and 2SLGBTQAI+ community) adventurers. We pride ourselves on not only hosting events that break barriers for BIPoC to enter outdoor sports, but also for creating media that showcases BIPoC stories in the outdoors – because representation matters. Through our programming and initiatives, we aim to build awareness, dismantle barriers and create accessible opportunities for participation in outdoor recreation.

We recognize that access to the outdoors has historically been limited for BIPoC and those at the intersection of BIPOC and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities due to knowledge, financial and/or cultural barriers. Colour the Trails addresses these challenges by providing affordable access to outdoor activities through introductory events, clinics and mentorship programs. Where possible, we provide need-based financial support for those who may face financial barriers to participate.
We are committed to working with BIPoC and 2SLGBTQIA+ leaders and others who support this work to ensure that Colour the Trails is reflective of and responsive to the needs of the communities we aim to serve. Our hope is that the Colour the Trails will be a catalyst for change in the outdoors industry, helping to make it a more inclusive and welcoming space for all.

Building Sustainable Communities
We believe in sustainable community building that fosters leadership while addressing the needs of the community. Reclaiming the outdoors requires us to walk a path of reconciliation, while creating job opportunities for BIPoC and 2SLGBTQIA+ and ensuring they have the confidence and opportunity to pursue positions in the outdoor industry.
We believe that liberation work means building a sustainable network that manages its human, natural, and financial capital to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are available for future generations. Leaders of each chapter across Canada uphold our mission of building relationships with BIPoC and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities along with investors and partners. This ensures we have sustainable spaces that are dedicated to increasing access in the outdoors while ensuring mental and physical safety for our community.

Environmental Sustainability
Considering environmental sustainability is critical to recreating responsibly. We run our events in small groups in order to minimize the impact on land and water,and protect the integrity of the trail and the environment, and to be considerate of other people in those spaces. We have private Facebook groups for the community to coordinate resources such as carpools, gear shares and resales. We run trail building events and educational events to introduce people to the outdoors in ways that encourage responsible stewardship of the land and water. As much as possible, we try to have gear available for participants to borrow when needed to minimize single-use consumerism. We strive to always be in relationship with nature but also with each other.