Colour the Trails received an invitation from @paulmcsorley to try an activity many of us did not even know is a thing – Ice Climbing.
12 members of the community braved the weather to see how frozen waterfalls look like and how to use sharp tools to climb them.
We had an incredible experience! This sport definitely requires some gear and the assistance of knowledgeable guides to start off. But the beauty and excitement of the sport make you fall in love with it right away.
We are thankful to our guides for making us feel welcomed.
We are very proud of members of CTT community for showing up, getting out of comfort zone, being open to new experiences, showing that we all do love outdoors, sharing experience and encouraging others to join.
The event was held on unceded lands of St̓át̓imc Tmicw (St’at’imc), Lil’wat, Skwxwú7mesh-ulh Temíx̱w (Squamish) people
Video by Tandem Photography
Photos by Pavel Boiko